Rolling Heron's Totally Amazing Blog

Random rants of sillyness

StarTrek: Comments&Rants 08/02/2010

Filed under: About,Movies,Suggestions — Tasha @ 12:51 PM
  1. Teehee *giggle*. Cameron is Kirk’s mom. I find that funny. Also, I’ve never liked blond Cameron much.
  2. No matter the time and technological advances made, hardhats and hospital gowns remain the same even as humanity is half way across the galaxy.
  3. On that note: You’d think that someone along the 300 or so years from now would have thought to come up with a fully automated wheelchair, so you don’t need some dude pushing you around. Guess not.
  4. Hellz yeah for Eric Bana’s make-up. I would have never thought that was him.
  5. Nice to see that Nokia survives all to bring us that annoying ringtone even in the future.
  6. Now, James T. makin’ it with a green lady, that’s something which is often made fun of and I’m so glad they chucked that one in there. Mind you, if you look at the shot of the graduating class, there’s only one green person.
  7. WTH is up with the red jumpsuits? Conspicuous much? If I remember Wesley Crusher at all, he never wore a bright red uniform. I don’t think he ever wore a bright red anything, but I mean in school. Never saw red uniforms.
  8. I’m confused. Is Uhura a language expert or some sort of radar/sonar expert? If she’s a languages expert, why do they need her? There’s that universal translator thingy. Surely that has some use. And the sonar radar thing… In space, no-one can hear you blip 🙂 Dunno where I was going with this, but would somebody explain what she does?
  9. Apparently the Enterprise is the TARDIS. It’s bigger on the inside and has no space restrictions what so ever. Did you notice all the piping? Notice the space between the pipes? That’s a whole lot of unused space and as any half-decent engineer would tell you: you don’t waste space. You try for the smallest, lightest, cheapest way to build something. You don’t leave two meter gaps between tubes, for frak sake!
  10. Bones is a bit trigger-happy with that syringe, isn’t he? In a time period of about 3 minutes (which I think is about 40 minutes on the ship) he stabs ol’ Jim a total of four times. Not that I don’t enjoy Kirk’s pain/discomfort…
  11. Is the Romulan ship coming out of Suron’s eye?
  12. What is up with the lens flare? Does that give the appearance of cleanliness to the ship? Every 20 seconds or so, there’s a lens flare over the screen. It might be shoddy camera work, but I think it’s on purpose. Erm… why?
  13. Also, is that how people are made first officer? Just by being there? And saying “My dad died in a storm in space”?
  14. Crew member who is not on the regular cast goes down with regular cast. Wears red. Guess what happens to him… And of course, he had the explosives they need. Which you couldn’t tell by the unspectacular grilling of said crew member. Makes you think… how do these people make it through basic training?
  15. Ooh! Ooh! Anybody else love Sulu’s blade? When he said fencing, I thought “Really? Pansy fencing?” but it’s totally cool. And he fixes his helmet hair before the fight. Yay!
  16. Ya kno… Just because you were born in Leningrad… Does anybody else hate Anton Yelchin’s accent? I know many Slavic people. I even know a few Russians. I have never in my life heard an accent that thick. Though the softness of his t’s is extremely cute.
  17. How do you beam up ten thousand people in several minutes? Especially without Scotty. Mind you, I think it might have been slightly easier with Vulcans, since there’s no logic in panicking and running around, they would just stay where they were, which would make them easier to locate and beam up.
  18. Even in space, Uhura can get black nail polish 🙂
  19. To quote Simon Pegg’s fansite: “This odd-numbered Star Trek won’t be shit with Simon playing Scotty.” and I tend to agree. Simon lends the much needed comic relief to the otherwise gloomy StarTrek.

    this must be underwater love... 🙂

  20. Is it just me or is the pipe-traveling-Scotty sequence a bit reminiscent of the Jetsons? And how does he make those 90° turns without damaging his spine?
  21. Jim’s about 25 years old, Bones is around 30, Scotty’s in the 40s, Chekov is 17. Does Star Fleet Academy have no age restriction or time frame for finishing?
  22. Why does the Romulan ship guns that can fire on the inside of the ship? Aren’t they afraid they might hit something important that’s theirs?  And why so many platforms, but no railing? Are Romulans immune to gravity, so they won’t slip and fall by accident? Maybe it’s some kind of selection process: If you can’t jump from  platform to platform, then you don’t deserve to live, you inept tattooed pansy. I’m surprised Spartans didn’t practice something similar…
  23. How epic was it when the Enterprise just swoops out of nowhere and the dogfight starts? Soundtrack commendations on that one. Hats off to master Michael Giacchino.
  24. Think Leonard Nimoy ever thought his character would be this famous? Or this awesome? Or that he’d still be playing it some 40 years later? Spock’s got some staying power. Gotta give him that 🙂
  25. I think it’s funny when Jim comes up to admiral Pike and says “I relieve you, sir”. I imagine that line is said by health care workers, holding variously shaped bowls and pots in which a patient can be relieved. I realize this might only be funny to me.

To end, some quotes:

“One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait till you’re sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you’re so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.” – Leonard “Bones” McCoy (he sounds like me in a moving vehicle)

“So, the Enterprise has had its maiden voyage, has it? She is one well-endowed lady. I’d like to get my hands on her “ample nacelles,” if you pardon the engineering parlance…” – Montgomery “Scotty” Scott

“However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise.” – Spock

Never has the inflection of this phrase been more sarcastic ❤

Disclaimer: images property of Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, Bad Robot and MavroCine


Filed under: About,Movies,Suggestions — Tasha @ 3:00 AM

So I watched it yesterday… And… Um… *stands up in front of people*

“My name is Tash and I’m a Uhura/Spock shipper!”

Oh, get over it! I’ve been waiting for Spock to get his freak on since I first watched StarTrek. So if it’s with a glorified receptionist, so what! Ok, so Zachary Quinto scares me a bit. Must be the whole Sylar thing. But the man does a good Spock. Gotta give him that one. I would have liked to see me some more Spock nookie, but hey, I’ll takes ’em any way I can gets ’em. Hope lies in the sequels and the screenwriter’s wish to comply with fanservice (also known as the screenwriter’s wish not to be trampled by rabid fangirls).

image property of Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, Bad Robot and MavroCine

All the other comments will be in another post.


The Fantasy Speech 06/12/2009

Filed under: Movies — Tasha @ 1:52 PM

The Life Of David Gale

Kevin Spacey always rocks.

“Come on, think. I want you to reach back into those minds and tell me, tell us all, what it is you fantasize about. World peace? I thought so. Do you fantasize about international fame? Do you fantasize about winning a Pulitzer Prize? Or a Nobel Peace Prize? An MTV Music Award? Do you fantasize about meeting some genius hunk, ostensibly bad but secretly simmering with noble passion and willing to sleep on the wet spot? You get Lucans point. Fantasies have to be unrealistic because the moment, the second, that you get what you desire, you don’t, you can’t want it anymore. In order to continue to exist desire must have it’s objects perpetually absent. Its not the it that you want, it’s the fantasy of it. So desire supports crazy fantasies. This is what Pascal means when he says we are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness or why we say the hunt is sweeter than the kill. Or be careful what you wish for, not because you get it but because you’re doomed not to want it once you do. So the lesson of Lucas is, living by wants will never make you happy. What it means to be fully human is to strive to live by ideals and ideals and not to measure your life by what you’ve attained in terms of your desires but those small moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, even self-sacrifice. Because in the end, the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives is by valuing the lives of others.”


Tagline: The crime is clear. The truth is not.

Runtime: 130 minutes