Rolling Heron's Totally Amazing Blog

Random rants of sillyness

Thinking Babies 28/06/2010

Filed under: About,Uncategorized — Tasha @ 1:38 AM

“Juno” was not a good choice of movie for tonight. Or the current year. My hormones have been fucking with my skull for an eternity now. I get down to Kraken-scale depths of depression and general idiocy, thinking “I want to have a baby”. Me! Anybody who knows me, knows I don’t like kids much. At least not in the pooping, screaming, barfing, fun-sized exorcist pack. And here I am, my brain filled with hormonal madness, my ancient genetic imperative hammering inside my head “propagate the species! The Humans march on”.

Shit, my dad would have a (third) heart attack if he read this blog post. He thinks that being a mum is something a female person should do at a young age, so she can grow with the baby. Yeah, good one, dad. You’re not the one who ends up with the stretchmarks, sagging tits and a vag the size of an airport hangar. Plus, this growing-with-the-kid shtick… The whole family knows how that one turned out for my nephew…

I know... he's adorable... but he won't be able to tie his shoes...

My OCD, extremely practical nurse of a mum would say that kids should be postponed as much as possible. She had me at 38. Way to push your luck there, mum. Not only does the risk of the kid having Down’s after the age of 36, but hey, you might drop dead before the kid makes it to 18. Thankfully, she didn’t. I hope she never does, or that somebody invents a stasis chamber a bit before she’s suppose to. She has instilled in me the fear of having kids or having kids early, not sure which.

One thing that neither of my parents can be conveniently blamed for is that I think babies are gross. I mean, they’re always sticky. They smell funky most of the time. They can’t tell you what’s wrong if something’s wrong. They just scream at you and you have to guess what they need. They burp and spew and shit and piss constantly. And who cleans them up? You do!

Have you seen the price tag on one of those things?! You could buy a friggin Lamborghini with the cost that these little monsters impose upon you. They need diapers. Loads of diapers. And powder. And cream, so they don’t chafe. And then you have to feed them… well, once you’ve dried up and you can tuck your boobs into your socks. There’s fruity stuff and veggie stuff. But it’s not all good. It must be organic. What the hell is organic anyway? They need bottles and baby monitors and cribs and strollers and those chewy things for when they start teething…


And then come the clothes! Oh, good Batman, deliver us from the clothes. It’s evil. Evil in fabric form. I mean, the outfits, they’re so cute. You have to buy tons of them. Have you noticed how anything tiny is almost automatically cute? So you buy a plethora of tiny clothes and shoes and itsy bitsy socks and beanies. And what does the little bundle of joy do to say thanks? It grows out of them! In a matter of months! All that good cash. WHOOSH! Gone! There used to be this awesome tradition, which my mum used to do and my aunt… come to think of it, my whole family and a couple of families connected to ours. One kid grows out of the clothes, you give them to another kid that is the convenient size. Hand-me-downs. At least til the graph of the growth function is at a less steep angle.

I firmly believe, like them or hate them, if you’re gonna have a kid, you should plan ahead. Even if it’s a “happy” accident or something. If you’re having it, have it right. Don’t do a half-ass job of it. No kid signs a request to be born (this is my mum’s one). You’re having it, you take care of it. Or don’t have it. I’m so pro-choice, it’s not even funny. Some people just aren’t meant to be parents. I don’t know if I’m one of those people, but if a condom breaks or I forget to take my pill or I get raped, I want the option of not going through with having a child. And I don’t want some religious, frustrated Jesus freak telling me it’s murder. It isn’t. And even if it is, are you telling me you’ve never squished a mosquito in your whole life? Because it’s about the same, if done early on. Cast the first stone now, bitch! 😛

Ok, I admit, that’s a bit harsh, but hey, it’s sometimes the only way to get a point across. Anyway, back to my original ranting.

there... now it has all the cash

So even if I am one day financially secure enough to be responsible for one more person, how to go about it? Do I find some guy, fall in love, have a baby, stop paying attention to each other, start resenting him, start resenting the kid, turn bitter and repressed, ruin the lives of all three? Do I walk into a sperm bank, ask for certain qualities and have a nice date with a test tube, holding my fingers crossed that it works? Have a one night stand with Studly McStudPants and have his little racers spread his glorious biker DNA all over my lucky little egg cell? Or do I adopt?

I totally forgot where I was going with this, but, PS… Best pay I can hope for is 2.000 euros per month. I just calculated on some weird-ass baby calculator thing that the average cost of raising a kid is about 151.307 euros. But lets round it up to an even 200.000, because you know you’re gonna need presents and field trips and parties and shit… That is 11.200 per year (for 18 years) which is almost 1000 euros per month. How would I pay my rent?!


You never forget your first Doctor 01/02/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 3:11 PM

Well, technically, Ecclestone was my first doctor, but Tennant is the Doctor for whom my hearts beat 🙂 Just finished watching “The End Of Time” and might I just say: Way to go, Master!  In honor of the dearly departed Master, masterfully portrayed by John Simm… HERE COME THE DRUMS!!!

There’s a ton of Ten goodbye videos on youtube and I don’t have the time to watch them all. It’s just too depressing. And I have an exam coming. So I’ll just pick this one, cuz it’s on top of the search results, so I assume it has the most hits. Plus, it has a really nifty song 🙂

That all being said… Spoilers ahoy!

-What the fuck happened to Saxon? Did he suffer a case of anorexia while trying to beat tuberculosis?! He’s skinny as fvck! And the hair! Don’t get me started on the hair! Dye job gone bad. Somebody please fire the hair stylist.

-Were there budget cuts? (I’d cut the budget if Tennant were leaving) Why do the Ood tentacles look like iron curled bits of tripe?

-Not that I object to watching more Tennant, but come on, he’s dying for 20 minutes. It’s like watching The Lady of the Camelias. And what ever happened to not crossing your own timeline or whatever it is? Screw the time-space continuum, I’m gonna go have a bit of last minute people saving. Like he couldn’t have done that before…

-Wasn’t Martha supposed to have married that physician guy from back when they beat Saxon and the dude forgot all about being a freedom fighter and went back to doctoring? That guy, not Mickey, the idiot.

-Speaking of Mickey… Wasn’t he left in Pete’s reality when the other Mickey died? To take care of his blind grandma, or something… And liberate Paris with that spiky haired guy… And if indeed he was, what the hell is Martha doing there?

-Why is it so important to give Jack Alonso’s name. Like Jack couldn’t find that out for himself…

-What the hell is up with Billie Piper’s teeth? I’ve been meaning to ask this ever since that dimension traveling trick she pulled. She got her teeth done and developed a lisp… Terrible, terrible thing… And nobody notices…

-Why is the Bad Wolf theme playing when the old Time Lady (female Time Lord, whatever) looks up? Did Rose somehow penetrate the time seal and join the Time Lords?

-Oh, and in part one… HE GOT MARRIED?! Crazy Doctor say WHAT?! He couldn’t tell friggin lispy Rose he loved her, but he goes off and marries the good queen Bess. WTH?!

Oh and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the toddler might make a decent doctor… if he loses the Flock Of Seagulls/emo haircut.

11th assistant

To end on a positive note, check out the eleventh doctor’s companion… Hm… “companion”… Like in the “Firefly” sense of the word, perhaps?

But I do so like her outfit. Would be easy to pull that one at a costume party. Cheap too. But you’d probably have to explain it to everybody…

And to end…

“I don’t want to go…”

P.S: Apparently, Eleven’s catchphrase is “Geronimo!”. I prefer Nine’s “Fantastic!” any day. Ten’s “Allons-y!” isn’t bad either. But “Geronimo!”? Really?


Procrastination Elimination Effort 13/01/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 10:02 AM

11.01 I should be finishing up an article translation, since the report must be turned in and presented tomorrow. I have 1 out of 10 pages down. Lets see if I can manage to go through the whole thing…

12.39 And done! ten pages, shrunk into 2. I feel like Buggs Bunny, reducing 5h of Wagner to 8.5 minutes


Little Johnny Joke

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 9:04 AM

This is one of the funniest things I’ve heard recently. Thanks goes out to my friend Marko.

Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, “Tell me, April, who created the universe?” When April didn’t stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. “GOD ALMIGHTY!” shouted April and the teacher said, “Very good” and April fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked April, “Who is our Lord and Saviour,” But, April didn’t even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. ‘JESUS CHRIST!” shouted April and the teacher said, “very good,” and April fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked April a third question. “What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?” And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, “IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I’LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!”


Breakup Songs 08/01/2010

Filed under: Lists,Music,Uncategorized — Tasha @ 7:16 PM

These range from “Please come back” to “I’m gonna stab you with a rusty spoon”. Listed in no particular order.

Color coded: extremely sad and/or depressing songs, average amount of sad and depressing, fun/ny and uncategorized songs, slightly pissed off, rusty-spoon-stabbing-ly pissed off songs

Break up

img came from google 🙂 and is not necessarily the case, sometimes it's the girl's heart in the trash

  1. Anouk – R U kiddin’ me
  2. Beyonce – To the left
  3. Kelis – Caught out there
  4. Avril Lavigne – Happy ending
  5. Blu Cantrell – Hit ’em upstyle
  6. Destiny’s child – Bug-a-boo
  7. Blu Cantrell – Make me wanna scream
  8. Alanis Morissette – You oughta know
  9. Kelly Clarkson – Since you’ve been gone
  10. Matchbox 20 – Rest stop
  11. Dave Matthews Band – Grace is gone
  12. Janet Jackson feat. Missy Elliott – Son of a gun
  13. Bon Jovi – My guitar lies bleeding in my arms
  14. Matchbox 20 – Bed of lies
  15. Vertical horizon – Everything you want
  16. LIT – Completely miserable
  17. Mike + The Mechanics – Over my shoulder
  18. A-ha – Crying in the rain
  19. Peggy Lee – Cry me a river
  20. Justin Timberlake – Cry me a river (yes, yes, I know)
  21. Gene Pitney – 24 hours from Tulsa (but it’s very specific :))
  22. Bill Withers – Ain’t no sunshine
  23. En vogue – Riddle
  24. Haddaway- I miss you
  25. Gloria Gaynor – I will survive (Can’t believe I didn’t put this one first)
  26. P!nk – Don’t leave me (Actually, pretty much the whole Funhouse album)
  27. Evanescence – My immortal (rock version :D)
  28. Toni Braxton – Unbreak my heart
  29. Default – Sick and tired
  30. Tina Turner – When the heartache is over
  31. Paula Abdul – Cold hearted
  32. Weird Al – You don’t love me anymore
  33. Hootie and the blowfish – Let her cry
  34. Kim Wilde – Keep me hanging on
  35. Puddle of mud – She hates me
  36. Gary Moore – Still got the blues
  37. Madonna – You’ll see
  38. Theory of a deadman – Say goodbye
  39. Madonna – Power of goodbye
  40. Natalie Imbruglia – Big mistake
  41. Aqua – Turn back time
  42. Xavier Naidoo – Bevor du gehst
  43. Evanescence – Call me when you’re sober
  44. Pat Benatar – Love is a battlefield
  45. Lauryn Hill – The ex-factor
  46. M people – Moving on up
  47. Shakira – Illegal
  48. Nancy Sinatra – These boots are made for walking
  49. ABBA – The winner takes it all
  50. Mika – Happy ending
  51. Shakira – Don’t bother
  52. Cher – Strong enough
  53. Gibonni – Judi, zviri i bestimje
  54. Vaya con dios – Farewell song
  55. Bon Jovi – This ain’t a love song
  56. Elton John – I’m still standing
  57. Elton John – Sacrifice
  58. Hladno pivo – Nije sve tako sivo
  59. Janis Joplin – Piece of my heart
  60. Kate Nash – Foundations
  61. JIMMY NAIL – AIN’T NO DOUBT (I am such an unbelievable fuckwad! How could I miss this?!)
  62. Kim Appleby – Don’t worry
  63. Mariah Carey – Without you (i never liked and will never like this song, but many listen to it so…)
  64. Celine Dion – All by myself
  65. Sinead O’Connor – Nothing compares
  66. Roxette – It must have been love (put the razors away before listening to 65 and 66, please)
  67. Sugababes – Hole in the head
  68. Annie Lennox – Cold
  69. Annie Lennox – Walking on broken glass
  70. The Outfiled – Since you’ve been gone
  71. Ugly kid Joe – I hate everything about you

Bill Withers – Ain’t No Sunshine


Paper Thin Dreams 20/12/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 11:18 AM
Paper Thin Dreams

artwork property of Crayolove @deviantart

I saw this design and fell in love with it. Had to share 🙂


WYWaG2S:Ich kenne nicht 09/12/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized,What You'd Want A Guy To Say — Tasha @ 7:40 AM

Xavier Naidoo

Ich könnte tagelang von dir erzählen
Ohne deinen namen auch nur einmal zu erwähnen
Unter Schmerzen oder unter Tränen
würde dein Name als meine Linderung dienen
Jede deiner Bewegungen sind Erstrebenswert
Und jede Stunde mit dir ist so Lebenswert.


Nichts ist vergleichbar mit dem was du gibst
Mit dem was du zeigst und wie du lebst, wie du liebst.


Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du…


Schöne Tage mit dir sind kostbar,
So kostbar wie der Weg zum Morgenstern.
Ich zelebriere sie wie einen Festtag,
An dem ich immer wieder neues von Dir lern.


Im Moment ist das das Schönste dich zu kennen.
Dich zu kennen ist wie das Beste das ich hab.
Verzeih mir aber dieses sag ich nochmal:
Deinen Namen zu nennen ist wohl das Schönste was ich sag!




To Somebody… 28/11/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 6:12 PM

I don’t like you. I don’t. Really. Sometimes I just want to hit you til you shut up. For once in your life, would it kill you to have a genuine emotion that was not calculated to 4 steps ahead? Just shut up unless you have something honest to say. Can you even be honest? Have you ever been honest?

I really don’t know what fucked you up this bad, but I don’t like you like this. It’s my curse to see potential. Even when it may not be there. But I give up. I fucking quit. I can’t take any of your bullshit anymore. More importantly, I don’t want to take your bullshit anymore. I mean, do you even hear yourself? You sound like a fucking self help book. Every word out of your mouth is somebody else writing. Every phrase is so worn out. I can’t even listen to you without being annoyed.

Just shut up. Stop being so high and mighty all the time. What the fuck have you ever done in your life that is so worthy of respect? Who died and made you the ruling authority on everything? You’re smart. But as a person, you suck. You suck. YOU SUCK! Do you hear? YOU FUCKING SUCK! You lie, you pretend. What have you ever done that has any merit? What have you ever done that gives you the right to make others feel like shit?

There’s anger and sorrow inside and you show it from time to time but even then you snicker at the thought of others feeling for you. Because emotions are for the weak. BULLSHIT! You are just so full of it. You’re weak because you can’t own up to anything. You don’t stand by anything. Do you believe in anything? You don’t trust. You just suck.


And I suck for not being able to yell this to your face and tell you to fuck off and stop hurting me.


Net Pervs 25/09/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 9:04 PM

Haven’t been contacted by a person not on my friends list in ages. So much fun. Here’s how it went:

This has happened before

This has happened before says:


Tash says:

and you are? says:

a sexy boy for you

Tash says:

errr…. yeah….

whatever says:

wanna see my cock?

Tash says:

not really says:

why not

Tash says:

cuz it’s probably small and weird. otherwise you’d be out fucking a real person, instead of looking for cyber sex. says:

actually it is not .cuz i do enjoy exhibit myself

Tash says:

buy a raincoat says:

i do it online cuz its safe and easy

how big your boobs?

Tash says:

completely tiny and inconsequential says:

im sure they are


I haven’t blocked this person yet, just cuz it’s so much fun 😀 says:

when have you fucked?

Tash says:

when there were no sheep


Rolling along 21/06/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 9:41 AM

So it’s the 5th day of my Improve-Thyself attempt number… Oh, hell, I don’t know. I’ve had more failed plans than Wile E. Coyote, super genius. But it’s day 5 and this is the first time I’m slacking off. Who would have thought! 😀 Maybe my head’s finally cracked or something.