Rolling Heron's Totally Amazing Blog

Random rants of sillyness

What’s that in the road? A head? 05/06/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 11:04 AM

So, I’d like to start this blog by saying: I HATED BENNY HILL!!! (it has to do with the title, nvm)

This is my second blog, the first one being WornAllStars. Not that I’m trying to promote it or anything (but if you click now, there is a one-time exclusive offer of possible cookies!) My friend Smotuljak has a blog (click and you’ll see) and I was editing it a bit (to no avail) and thought why not give it a go. The whole blog thing. All the cool kids are doing it, right? But just a random, no-themed blog. “It’s a show about nothing!” – as Seinfeld would say. Just my random thoughts, scribbles, drawings and whatnot. So stay tuned, kids.
A sto se Smotuljka tice, zbilja treba da obidjete njen blog. Ako nista, onda zato sto je pun pametnih stvari, za razliku od mnogih blogova (pa i ovog mog).
This is captain Picard, signing out 🙂



Filed under: Uncategorized — Tasha @ 9:43 AM

I hate the “Hello World!” line… So I changed the first post. Welcome to my blog.